Most viewed - Newark Associations T - Z

1912344 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

335 viewsPostcard

Union Club to Move to Its New Quarters332 viewsMarch 14, 1909

326 viewsPostcard

1912 Map325 views

324 viewsPhoto from "Quarter Century's Progress of NJ Leading Manufacturing Centers" 1887

1912323 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

1892 Map320 viewsClinton Place Location


1908 Map318 views

Italian Immigrants studying English316 viewsImage from LOC

315 viewsPostcard

1892 Map314 viewsPlane Street Location

Lobby314 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto

310 viewsPostcard

Library310 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto

Swimming Pool310 views

11 Clinton Street307 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

1908 Map304 views107-111 Halsey Street


1908 Map302 viewsBoarding Home
Corner of Court Street & Shipman Street

Classroom302 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto

Y. M. C. A. has Fast Basketball Five301 viewsOctober 29, 1905

295 viewsPhoto from the Kautz Family Archives

1908 Map285 views

1906282 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

The New Young Men's Christian Association Building252 viewsDecember 1, 1901

Swimming Pool is Very Popular247 viewsAugust 6, 1906

College Days Revived246 viewsApril 29, 1900

Y. M. C. A. to Move243 viewsApril 19, 1903


Behind Seth Boyden, to the right in the photo.230 views

228 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

220 views© 2014 The Jewish Historical Society of New Jersey

Between Peddie Memorial Baptist Church and the Firemen's Insurance Building209 viewsPostcard

201 views© 2014 The Jewish Historical Society of New Jersey

201 viewsFrom "American Architect & Architecture, Volume 120, 1921

199 viewsFrom "American Architect & Architecture, Volume 120, 1921

35 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

Postcard30 views