Newark Military

Old Newark

Friendly Letters Page 06
Published by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.

Submitted by Nat Bodian

Sgt. Milton Rubenstein
Robert Poster
Pfc. Lou Slavsky
Hy Hait Sk 3/c
T/5 Milton Bloom
Pfc. George Horwitz
Pfc. Seymour Goldberg
Pfc. Eugene Goodman
Sgt. Ed Bushberg
Cpl. Danny Kalb
Sgt. Julie Feld
Flip Pomp Sk 2/c
Pvt. Frank Chenitz
Lt. George Weinberg
S/Sgt. Harold Bass
Pfc. Bernie Waters

Friendly Letters Page 06

Published by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.

Submitted by Nat Bodian

Sgt. Milton Rubenstein
Robert Poster
Pfc. Lou Slavsky
Hy Hait Sk 3/c
T/5 Milton Bloom
Pfc. George Horwitz
Pfc. Seymour Goldberg
Pfc. Eugene Goodman
Sgt. Ed Bushberg
Cpl. Danny Kalb
Sgt. Julie Feld
Flip Pomp Sk 2/c
Pvt. Frank Chenitz
Lt. George Weinberg
S/Sgt. Harold Bass
Pfc. Bernie Waters

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