Newark Military

Old Newark

Friendly Letters Page 12
Published by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.

Submitted by Nat Bodian

Harold Herman
Pfc. Edward B. Fischer
Sgt. Sam Frieman
Pfc. Moe Spector
S/Sgt. Meyer Hudson
Pfc. Seymour Mandy
Mr. Cpl. Nat Bodian

Friendly Letters Page 12

Published by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.

Submitted by Nat Bodian

Harold Herman
Pfc. Edward B. Fischer
Sgt. Sam Frieman
Pfc. Moe Spector
S/Sgt. Meyer Hudson
Pfc. Seymour Mandy
Mr. Cpl. Nat Bodian

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