Newark Military

Old Newark

Friendly Letters Page 11
Published by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.

Submitted by Nat Bodian

C. P. O. Ben Freefield
Cpl Marvin Jacobs
Pvt. Frank Hodes
Sgt. Phil Zipper
Pfc. Morty Mantell
Mr. Pfc. Aaron Levy
Max Bass Y 2/c
Pvt. Morris Joseph
M/Sgt Sidney Somolsky
Sgt. Sam Bomberg
Pvt. Lou Kleiman

Friendly Letters Page 11

Published by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.

Submitted by Nat Bodian

C. P. O. Ben Freefield
Cpl Marvin Jacobs
Pvt. Frank Hodes
Sgt. Phil Zipper
Pfc. Morty Mantell
Mr. Pfc. Aaron Levy
Max Bass Y 2/c
Pvt. Morris Joseph
M/Sgt Sidney Somolsky
Sgt. Sam Bomberg
Pvt. Lou Kleiman

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