
First Troop Will Escort President375 views1912

Friendly Letters Page 02374 viewsPublished by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.
Submitted by Nat Bodian
Lt. Alec Weiss
Pfc. Julie Aarons
T/5 Irv Cooper
Pfc. Seymour Yanowitz
Pfc. Sol Lieb
Pfc. Harry Zettler
Sgt. Robert Hautzik
T/5 Leonard Epstein
Cpl. Monroe Lerner
Pfc. Bernard Ornstein
Pvt. Maxie Lithman
Pfc. Lester Friedman
Sgt. Sidney Feldt.
Lt. Ben Barth
Pfc. Albert Fishman
Lt. Sid Schulman
F/O Harold Littman
Rdm 2/c Chink Yolofsky
Pfc. Marty Felder
Cpl. Nat Bodian
Lt. Herman Snyder
Pvt. Sam Silverman

1916374 viewsPhoto from "Official Programme Newark's Anniversary Industrial Exposition 1916"

Glorieux, Philip H.371 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Mersfelder, J. Henry Jr.371 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Ganon, John370 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Kiernan, Thomas A.370 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Page 4368 views

Hurd, Corporal Spencer V.368 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

368 viewsImage from the National Archives

Stecker, John A.367 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Thuebel, Lieutenant Renald C.367 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Becht, Robert C.366 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Huntington, Sergeant-Major J. Henry366 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Prize Poster for Industrial Exposition365 viewsMarch 31, 1912

Friendly Letters Page 12364 viewsPublished by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.
Submitted by Nat Bodian
Harold Herman
Pfc. Edward B. Fischer
Sgt. Sam Frieman
Pfc. Moe Spector
S/Sgt. Meyer Hudson
Pfc. Seymour Mandy
Mr. Cpl. Nat Bodian

Burkhardt, Hilbert Andrew364 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Laux, Corporal Theodore364 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

President Taft Pleased With His Newark Meeting364 views1912

Mason, Percy E.363 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Folsom, Lieutenant Joseph K.361 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

World War II Killed in Action Telegram361 views

Peters, Thomas S.360 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Norton, Edward F.360 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Laux, John Henry360 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Lawrence, Hull F.360 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Gundaker, Lloyd C.359 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Middleton, Sergeant James R.359 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Car Show359 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

359 viewsImage from the National Archives

359 viewsImage from the National Archives

Pearce, Fred R.358 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

358 viewsPhoto from Frank Refinski

Enderlin, Edwin F.358 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Taylor, Cadet George L.358 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"


358 viewsImage from the National Archives

Harenberg, William H.357 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Krauss, William357 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Horne, Corporal Eric P.357 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Heringer, Corporal Frank F.356 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Prouty, Sergeant Williston A.356 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

356 viewsImage from the National Archives

Essex Troop Armory to be Completed September 1, 1908356 views

Murphy, Michael J.355 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Rusling, Sergeant Francis V.355 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Schumacher, Sergeant Harold F.355 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Smith, Henry A. & James A.354 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call