
281 viewsImage from the National Archives

Passaic River & 2nd Division, 1st Batillion Naval Reserve, NJ Boat House280 viewsPostcard

279 viewsImage from the National Archives

279 viewsImage from the National Archives

1911 Map278 views

277 viewsPostcard

277 viewsImage from the National Archives

275 viewsImage from the National Archives

275 viewsImage from the National Archives

274 viewsImage from the National Archives

274 viewsImage from the National Archives

274 viewsImage from the National Archives

1908 Map273 views

271 viewsImage from the National Archives

260 viewsImage from the National Archives

258 viewsImage from the National Archives

256 viewsImage from the National Archives

255 viewsImage from the National Archives

255 viewsImage from the National Archives

254 viewsImage from the National Archives

251 viewsImage from the National Archives

250 viewsImage from the National Archives

248 viewsImage from the National Archives

248 viewsImage from the National Archives

~1918 Broad Street in front of Trinity Episcopal Church211 viewsPhoto from the National Archives

Ivan F. Wright120 views

U. S. Army Air Waring Service106 viewsAircraft Observers on the steps of City Hall

Camp, Nathaniel104 views

312th Infantry Returning104 viewsHere is the photo of the returning troops, from the 312th Infantry Regiment, marching in Newark in 1919. You can tell whether soldiers are coming or going by their hats. These men have the overseas cap, which means they are returning. Soldiers went overeseas with the wide brimmed campaign hat, which proved unusable overseas. These men are also carrying the US Model 1917 rifle, rather than the Model 1903 Springfield. The 1917, originally a British pattern, was manufactured in the US and converted to the US caliber ammunition when production of the 1903 could not keep up with demand.
Photo from Joe Bilby

Hecling, George100 views

Yahnke A. A.99 views

98 viewsPhoto from the Library of Congress

Rotunda Jr., Joseph Ralph95 viewsPhoto from George Sona

Webster, Clarence S.91 views

Brown, Sgt. William H.90 viewsCivil War

Newark Catholic Infantry Has a Clubhouse Now90 viewsMarch 15, 1903

700 Soldier Dead of Newark Will be Honored by France87 viewsFebruary 22, 1920

Propose Lofty Shaft or Tower as City's Tribute to Soldiers85 viewsFebruary 23, 1919

Story, Elmer85 views

Baron, Fred 83 viewsMelbourne, Australia. United States Army hospital. Left to right - Sargeant Alfred Baron, Newark, New Jersey; Staff Sargeant J. N. Sproule, Troy, New York; Staff Sargeant James R. Barbee, Springhope, North Carolina; Private Paul Greene, New York City, in medical store room
1943 - Library of Congress

Surber, Fred C.82 views

Andres, Fred81 views

Springer, Arthur M.81 views

Sockle, Arthur80 views

Schleicher, Frank J.79 views

Guy, Dorothy78 viewsTwenty-four of the first contingent of Afro-American nurses assigned to the European Theater of Operations land in England. August 21, 1944
Second row from the bottom, third from the left: Dorothy Guy from 50 13th Avenue, Newark, New Jersey
Photo and caption from the Library of Congress

Elder, William J.75 views

Fairclough,Thomas75 views