Most viewed - Centre Market New




Background Center of Photo325 views

Centre Market is in the lower left corner.297 views

Oscar Thrum's Meat Market293 viewsOccupied 309-311 Centre Market
Photo from Phyllis Marino

284 viewsPhoto from the Newark Evening News

1925282 viewsImage from "Broad National Bancorporation"

281 viewsPhoto from "Sightseeing in Newark, N. J. by John H. Dunnachie: 1926"

~1935279 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

Oscar Thrum's Meat Market275 viewsRight to left, Proprietor Oscar Thrum; brother William, brother-in-law Hugo Fliedner, brother Ernest, all butchers, and in a suit, brother Fred Thrum a baker
Photo from Phyllis Marino

Left side of Photo272 viewsPhoto from the Newark Municipal Yearbook 1949

265 viewsPhoto from "Sightseeing in Newark, N. J. by John H. Dunnachie: 1926"

1924245 viewsPhoto from LOC

With the streets labeled243 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

Without the street labeled235 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

1930/31182 views

163 viewsPostcard from Irvin Volk

162 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 56, 1924"


148 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 108, 1915"

Current Use141 views

140 viewsPostcard from Irvin Volk

137 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 56, 1924"

136 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 56, 1924"

132 viewsPostcard from Jim Tomczyk

Black Lined Area130 views

124 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 56, 1924"

121 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 56, 1924"


At Night10 viewsBuilding on Left

9 viewsLarger Size

Then & Now8 views