Most viewed - Public Library

184 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

184 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

1900184 viewsFrom: "Newark, the Metropolis of New Jersey" Published by the Progress Publishing Co. 1901

183 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

183 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

182 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

Children's Room181 viewsPhoto from John F. Crowley

179 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

178 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

178 viewsShowing the brownstones next door.
From "Newark in the Public Schools"

176 viewsPhoto from the Newark Municipal Yearbook 1953

Central Court - 1905175 viewsPhoto from “The Free Public Library of Newark, New Jersey 1905”

175 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

174 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

Bookmobile173 views

173 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

173 viewsPhoto from "New Jersey; Life, Industries and Resources of a Great State:1926"

173 viewsPhoto from Hammond Maps

John Cotton Dana173 views

172 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930


Delivery Room - 1905170 viewsPhoto from “The Free Public Library of Newark, New Jersey 1905”

170 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

Assembly Room - 1905169 viewsPhoto from “The Free Public Library of Newark, New Jersey 1905”

Central Court - 1905169 viewsPhoto from “The Free Public Library of Newark, New Jersey 1905”

169 viewsPhoto from "New Jersey; Life, Industries and Resources of a Great State:1926"

168 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

166 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

164 viewsPhoto from "New Jersey; Life, Industries and Resources of a Great State:1926"

Patronage of Newark's Public Library has Increased Threefoldin Ten Years163 views

Main Staircase161 viewsPhoto from Musical America v24 1916

160 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

1937160 viewsPostcard

159 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930



Children's Room155 views1916

154 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

153 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

153 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

152 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

151 viewsPostcard

150 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

149 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

149 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

Mural149 viewsPhoto collage mural depicting old and new Newark in Newark Public Library. Created in 1936, this mural is no longer exists.
Photo from Corbis

148 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

147 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana

147 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

146 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

145 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

Library outing in Washington Park145 viewsThe Second Presbyterian Church is in the background.
Photo from Gonzalo Alberto


Public Library Science Museum is to be Opened in a Few Days144 viewsDecember 10, 1905

143 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

1900143 viewsPhoto from The Brickbuilder Vol 9

Second Floor of Newark Library After Important Changes142 viewsJanuary 10, 1904

140 viewsFrom "The Nine Branch Libraries of the Public Library of Newark, N. J." by Eleanor Shane & John Cotton Dana, 1930

