Newark Sports

Old Newark

The Newark Eagles were incepted in 1936 when the Newark Dodgers merged with the Brooklyn Eagles. The Eagles sported the likes of Hall-of-Famers Larry Doby, Monte Irvin, Ray Dandridge, Leon Day, and Willie Wells. The Eagles shared Ruppert Stadium with the Newark Bears, beginning in 1936.

The Newark Eagles had many standout players, but two entered the baseball history books: Larry Doby, the first black player in the American League (Cleveland Indians), and Don Newcombe, Brooklyn Dodgers rookie of the year


The Newark Eagles were incepted in 1936 when the Newark Dodgers merged with the Brooklyn Eagles. The Eagles sported the likes of Hall-of-Famers Larry Doby, Monte Irvin, Ray Dandridge, Leon Day, and Willie Wells. The Eagles shared Ruppert Stadium with the Newark Bears, beginning in 1936.

The Newark Eagles had many standout players, but two entered the baseball history books: Larry Doby, the first black player in the American League (Cleveland Indians), and Don Newcombe, Brooklyn Dodgers rookie of the year

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