Last additions - Sports (Non-Team)
Levine, Bennie68 viewsAug 28, 2019
Petition Against Facism291 viewsPhoto from Esther Levine Kaplan Jan 25, 2018
Golden Gloves Promo300 viewsPhoto from Esther Levine Kaplan Jan 25, 2018
Harry Levine298 viewsPhoto from Esther Levine Kaplan Jan 25, 2018
Madison Square Garden299 viewsPhoto from Esther Levine Kaplan Jan 25, 2018
Fisher, Al323 viewsPhoto from Jay Ryan KaminsJan 17, 2018
Zale, Tony & Rocky Graziano309 views6/10/1948-Newark, NJ- Tony Zale of Gary, Indiana sends a left hook to the head, which knocked out Rocky Graziano of New York, in the third round of their scheduled 15-round middleweight title bout in Ruppert Stadium.
Photo from BettmannDec 16, 2017
Putting the Cart before the Horse285 viewsAn unusual harness race, with the driver facing backwards, takes place at Weequahic Park, Newark, New Jersey, 17th October 1928.
Photo by Henry Miller NewsDec 16, 2017
Stateline396 viewsJun 14, 2015
Southhold378 viewsJun 14, 2015
Prince389 viewsJun 14, 2015
Newbrook Entry410 viewsJun 14, 2015
Horses Cooling Down397 viewsJun 14, 2015
Horses Cooling Down402 viewsJun 14, 2015
The Great Laurel Lady399 viewsJun 14, 2015
Happy the Great379 viewsJun 14, 2015
Bright Spot446 viewsJun 14, 2015
Sanitate, Rocco & Holmes, Otis Fight Card472 viewsPhoto from Laura KassayOct 27, 2014
Puddy Hinkes512 viewsDec 28, 2013
Nat Arno & Benny Leonard512 views1927Dec 28, 2013
Nat Arno501 views1932Dec 28, 2013
Moe Fisher491 viewsDec 28, 2013
Maxie Fisher476 viewsDec 28, 2013
Lou Halper472 viewsDec 28, 2013
Benny Levine & Benny Leonard478 views1931Dec 28, 2013
Abie Bain & Solly Castellane461 viewsDec 28, 2013
Stoltz, Allie444 viewsDec 28, 2013
Bain, Abie448 viewsDec 28, 2013
Jeannette, Joe423 viewsDec 02, 2013
Hooley, George Wm.484 viewsPhoto from Darleen PaneOct 23, 2013
Fiducia, Fred590 viewsPhoto from Mrs. Maryann LeoJan 25, 2011
Weequahic Park Race Officials 1929696 viewsA group of officials and guests of the Junior League at the annual inter-city meeting held Is last month at Weequahic Park, Newark, N. J. Reading from left to right are Fred C. Green of the Boston Transcript; J. Burns; J. H. Gilbody, secretary of the Metropolitan Driving Club; R. E. Kelsey; C. L. Stickney, starting judge; Dr. J. T. McGlynn, chairman of the race committee of the "Mets,' " and Frank G. Trott of the Boston Globe.
from Aug 15, 1929 Trotter and Pacer magazine
Courtesy of Don DanielsJan 25, 2011
ShirleyTemple (Carpenter), StraightShot (Caton)515 viewsImage from the Dec 16, 1942 Harness Horse magazine (defunct).
"Road Horse Association of NJ" (aka Gentleman's Driving Club).
Courtesy of Don Daniels Jan 25, 2011
Matinee Finish477 viewsImage from the Dec 16, 1942 Harness Horse magazine (defunct).
"Road Horse Association of NJ" (aka Gentleman's Driving Club).
Courtesy of Don Daniels Jan 25, 2011
Fiducia, Fred 1926769 viewsImage from Mrs. Maryann LeoAug 15, 2006
Fusaci, Charlie988 viewsAug 15, 2006