Most viewed - Building & Sites

Large View2041 viewsClick on image to enlarge.


1349 viewsPostcard


Ruppert, Jacob886 views



Price & Tenney Prefer Baseball Park in Newark458 views1916

1940s444 views

428 viewsPhoto from the LOC


May 25, 1919425 views

1953417 viewsAfter the Newark Board of Education purchased it for the use of the Newark Schools
Photo from the Newark Municipal Yearbook 1953

414 viewsA slightly blurry still from a movie shot by Thomas Edison of a baseball game between the Newark Colts & the Reading Coal Heavers in 1898. It was most likely shot at Wiedenmayer Park which became Ruppert Stadium in 1932. The movie was found on the LOC site by Gonzalo Alberto.

410 viewsFrom Gonzalo Alberto

1926 Map403 views

McTighe Obtains Show Cause Order395 viewsFrom the Newark Evening News

394 viewsPostcard

387 viewsPhoto from Hammond Maps

December 7, 1923 Part 2379 viewsFrom the Newark Evening News

May 18, 1919379 views

1927 Map378 views

378 viewsPhoto from Speed-Up Vol 3 No 23 June 1920

May 11, 1919378 views

1889 Map374 views

1911 Map373 views

1926372 viewsConstruction of the stadium using the same footprint, but expanded, from Wiedenmayer's Park
Photo from the Newark Public Library

1908 Map370 views

1926370 viewsConstruction of the stadium using the same footprint, but expanded, from Wiedenmayer's Park
Photo from the Newark Public Library

1910370 viewsFrom the Newark Evening Star

August 7, 1930369 viewsFirst Night Game
Photo from the Newark Public Library

Field Inspection Trims Piece Work Checkers364 viewsPhoto from Speed-Up Vol 3 No 23 June 1920

December 7, 1923 Part 1364 viewsFrom the Newark Evening News

August 6, 1916362 views

Pacifics Play Sailors360 viewsApril 28, 1912

358 viewsPhoto from Speed-Up Vol 3 No 23 June 1920


July 19, 1919354 viewsFrom the Newark Evening News

1921354 viewsPhoto from the Newark Sunday Call July 7, 1921

Hargreaves, Charlie 1932353 views
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