Most viewed - Morris Canal

Inclined Plane - Plane Street1421 viewsLooking West

North of Bloomfield Avenue Bridge1411 views

Inclined Plane - Plane Street1385 viewsLooking West

Orange Street1364 views

Orange Street1346 views

Inclined Plane1298 viewsFrom "National Newark & Essex Banking Company"

Inclined Plane ~18551252 views

Warren Street Lock1237 views

Lock at Warren Street1230 viewsPostcard

Oxford Street Area1173 viewsThis is a photo (year unknown) of the Morris Canal and the Passaic River. Most likely taken at the end of Oxford Street. The Jackson Street Bridge is in the background. The pedestrian walkway on the left side over the canal was slightly west of Mott Street. The building in the center was Christman & Koops - Flagpoles, Spars & Derricks. Note the two mules that are pulling a barge (out of sight).

Inclined Plane 1855627 viewsClick on image to enlarge
Photo from “Ballou’s Pictorial” April 14, 1855

Inclined Plane between Plane Street and Summit Street, Crossing High Street563 views

Bed of the Morris Canal as a Trolley Car Route527 viewsMarch 17, 1912

Newark Fishing Banks by Canal Side478 views1908

Canoeing on the Canal, From Newark to Lake Hopatcong459 viewsJune 26, 1910
(click article to enlarge)

Combined image of the Inclined Plane and an 1868 Map451 views

Inclined Plane between Plane Street and Summit Street, Crossing High Street423 viewsPostcard

Canal Abandonment408 viewsFebruary 4, 1912

Canal Investigators Have Hearing This Week401 viewsOctober 27, 1912

Make Canal Parkway401 viewsJanuary 28, 1912

Boy's swimming in the Morris Canal391 viewsPostcard

Newark Fishing Banks by Canal Side390 views1908

Morris Canal at Lock Street384 viewsFrom: Newark Illustrated 1891

Top of the Inclined Plane Looking East360 viewsFrom “Library of Congress”

By Colden Street359 viewsMorris Canal bed being readied for the Newark City Subway & Raymond Blvd.

East of Plane Street354 views

From River Street West to Broad Street352 views1850's Engraving

West of the Inclined Plane351 viewsFrom “Library of Congress”

Broad Street347 viewsPhoto from the New Jersey State Archives


From Front Street looking West339 views1860's

Lock Street by New Street338 viewsFrom: "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

Unknown Location334 viewsFrom “Library of Congress”

Lock #17 East329 views

Unknown Location322 viewsFrom “Library of Congress”

Along 95-103 South Canal Street319 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

Silver Lake Area317 views

313 viewsThe Morris Canal passing by the Ripley & Sons Lumber Company at Market Street & S. Canal Street (Raymond Blvd). Approximately where the Horizon BC/BS Building now stands.
William F. Cone photo

Inclined Plane312 views1868 Map

By Branch Brook Park312 viewsImage from LOC

North of Bloomfield Avenue Bridge311 viewsLarger Format

North & South Canal Streets308 views

Silver Lake Area304 views

Morris Canal looking North from Oxford Street303 views

Boys swimming in the Morris Canal302 viewsPostcard

298 viewsPostcard

Lock 19E288 viewsEast of Blanchard Street
Photo from Michael J. Dobrzelecki

The Morris Canal - The Great New Jersey Waterway as It Used to be287 viewsMarch 22, 1903

Ironbound Section285 views

1847 Map283 viewsThe canal comes in in the upper right and exits in the lower left.

Lock 20277 viewsPhoto from Michael J. Dobrzelecki

The Inclined Plane274 viewsApril 16, 1882

City Dock271 views1911

Washington Street270 views1908 Map

Horses Frightened by the Cable of the Inclined Plane267 viewsAugust 30, 1885

Morris Canal bed being prepared for the City Subway 264 viewsPhoto from "Urban New Jersey Since 1870"

Ironbound Section263 views

Purifying the Canal261 viewsMarch 22, 1885

The Morris Canal257 viewsMarch 18, 1883

A Heavy Team Plunges into the Canal256 viewsSeptember 4, 1881

Silver Lake Area254 views1911 Map

Inclined Plane253 views1873 Map

Lock #17 East Dry251 views


1911 Map250 views

North & South Canal Street249 views1889 Map

Morris Canal is Useless Commercially Under Present Conditions of Neglect244 viewsJanuary 28, 1906

1911 Map243 views


Under Centre Market240 views1868 Map

Lock Street240 views1911 Map

Boy Drowned in Canal240 viewsJune 5, 1904

Central Avenue, Norfolk Street239 views1908 Map

Central Avenue239 views1929
Photo from Traction Extra #1

Central Avenue, Dickerson Street & Duryee Street238 views1908 Map

Rescued from the Canal237 viewsMay 24, 1903

Lock Street234 views1868 Map

Academy Street232 views1868 Map

North & South Canal Street231 views1868 Map

Academy Street230 views1868 Map

Lock Street229 views1873 Map

Plane Street228 views1908 map

Lock Street between Warren Street & New Street227 views1908 Map

Orange Street226 viewsPhoto from "The Morris Canal" by James Lee

A Narrow Escape226 viewsAugust 7, 1881

New Street Bend225 views1868 Map

Toll Collector's Office225 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

Orange Street - Inclined Plane224 views1908 Map

Lock #19 East222 views

Railroad Scheming Strangled Industry of the Morris Canal222 viewsClick to enlarge to a readable size.
Newark Sunday Call February 11, 1906

South Canal Street221 views1892 Map

Fifth Avenue Bridge220 views1892 Map

Orange Street Bridge213 views1892 Map

Railroad Scheming Strangled Industry of the Morris Canal213 viewsFebruary 11, 1906

Lockwood Street Bridge212 views1892 Map

Discussed the Canal Question211 viewsDecember 17, 1905

Going Under Washington Street209 views1868 Map

Lock No. 12209 views1892 Map

High Street to Pennsylvania Railroad209 views

Pennsylvania Railroad to Passaic River209 views