Newark Associations & Clubs

Old Newark

Thanksgiving Dinner
The Michael Joseph Pumilia Association was located on Bank Street just above High Street, Newark, New Jersey. They participated actively when any member of the community experienced a loss.  Fire, Job, Rent or Food  and Clothing assistance, Etc.
This is a picture of one of their many Thanksgiving Dinners. Mr. & Mrs. (Violet, Mike) Pumilia are standing next to Mack, the Chef and another member acted as server.
They sponsored an annual Christmas party at St Philip Neri Church and Mike Pumilia was Santa Claus as they gave out silver dollars and gifts to every child.

Thanksgiving Dinner

The Michael Joseph Pumilia Association was located on Bank Street just above High Street, Newark, New Jersey. They participated actively when any member of the community experienced a loss. Fire, Job, Rent or Food and Clothing assistance, Etc.
This is a picture of one of their many Thanksgiving Dinners. Mr. & Mrs. (Violet, Mike) Pumilia are standing next to Mack, the Chef and another member acted as server.
They sponsored an annual Christmas party at St Philip Neri Church and Mike Pumilia was Santa Claus as they gave out silver dollars and gifts to every child.

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