
182 William Street355 viewsPostcard

354 viewsPostcard

354 viewsPhoto from "Official Guide to the 250th Anniversary Celebration"

1908 Map353 views

353 viewsPhoto from William Cone Collection

Lunch Room351 viewsPostcard

Ready to Leave for Kamp Kiamesha350 views1914

1902 - The Second Building350 viewsJune 6, 1909

Wallace Hall350 viewsPostcard

1909 - The Structure About to be Erected349 viewsJune 6, 1909

1939348 viewsSmaller building in front of the large white building
Photo from Gonzalo Alberto

1908 Map347 views

Salvation Army Premises Sold Last Week347 viewsApril 10, 1910

1892 - The First National Turn Hall347 viewsJune 6, 1909

1892 Map344 views

1912344 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

1908 Map343 viewsSalvation Army Industrial Homes Company
303-305 NJRR Avenue


342 viewsPhoto from Musical America v.26 1917

340 viewsPhoto from Abel Da Silva


1909 Map339 views

339 viewsPhoto from Gonzalo Alberto

Billiard Room337 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 55, 1923"

336 viewsPostcard

1909 Map335 views

335 viewsPostcard

Dining Room334 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 55, 1923"

Union Club to Move to Its New Quarters332 viewsMarch 14, 1909

332 viewsPostcard

1892 Map329 views

1908 Map327 views16 W. Park

326 viewsPhoto from Abel Da Silva

326 viewsPostcard

Ladies Lobby326 viewsFrom "Architecture and Building, Volume 55, 1923"

William A. Schweitzer325 views

1912 Map325 views

1927 Map324 views

1912324 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

Building Extensive Coal Pockets on Site of Passaic Boat Club House324 viewsOctober 3, 1909