
Gromek, Stanley V.5 views

Dennis, Homer E. Jr.5 views

Fogarty, John J.5 views

Furst Fred5 views

Gartling, Charles F.5 views

Hensel, Edward R.5 views

Huntington, Robert Graham5 viewsFrom World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club 1919

Iannuzzi, Frank5 views

Kling, Charles A.5 views

Koemple, J. M.5 views

McMahon, Joseph A.5 views

Mans, Ferdinand5 views

Mills, Charles B.5 views

Murphy, Tom5 views

Meyer, Harold W.5 viewsFrom World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club 1919

Olohan, Robert E.5 views

Rozzo, Pasquale5 views

Surber, Fred C.5 views

Sockler, Arthur5 views

Yahnke A. A.5 views

Taylor, Cadet George L.5 viewsFrom World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club 1919

Vecoi, Angelo5 views

Wilson, Leroy5 views

Burkhardt, Hilbert Andrew5 viewsFrom World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club, 1919

Becht, Robert C.5 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Dodd, William5 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Dolan, Frank (Francis) 5 views"Photo from John Gaffney
Frank (Francis) Dolan in his WWl Army uniform, who was my great uncle. His draft registration card shows him living at 17 Fillmore St and employed at the Newark Metal Co. at 40 Brill St.in June 1918"

Drake, Corporal George H.5 viewsFrom World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club, 1919

Earle, Lieutenant Malcolm S.5 viewsFrom World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club, 1919

Ganon, John5 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Geisheimer, Hugo Frederick5 viewsNewspaper Article

Fungaroli, Guiseippi J.5 views"Born in Newark, served in WWI.
Photo from Gauil Fungaroli-Glazier"

Folsom, Lieutenant Joseph K.5 viewsFrom World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club, 1919

Galiano, Nick J.5 views

Heine, Joseph F.5 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Heringer, Corporal Frank F.5 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Howell, T. O.5 views

Keegan, Jack5 views

Pearce, Fred R.5 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Villani, Ralph5 views

Smith, Henry A. & James A.5 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Hamilton, Sergeant Arthur C.5 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Spohn, Julius J.5 views

Hecling, George5 views

Postcard5 viewsImage from Col. Leonard Luzky

Postcard5 views

Riding Area5 viewsImage from Col. Leonard Luzky


5 viewsPhoto from Joel Beane

Page 15 viewsPublished by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.
Submitted by Nat Bodian

Page 65 viewsPublished by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.
Submitted by Nat Bodian

Burman & Oldfield Take Ride Together5 views

Postcard5 views


1911 Map5 views

Industrial Exposition5 views

5 viewsPhoto from the NPL

5 viewsPhoto from the Library of Congress

Klein, Sergeant Harry5 viewsKilled in Action

Andres, Fred4 views