
Spohn, William Bruno1 views

Kerwan, Harold C.1 views

Kloss Philip J.1 views

Kisling, Wilbur R.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Porter, Joe1 views

Ladata, Willy1 views

Norton, Edward F.1 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Mason, Percy E.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Mersfelder, J. Henry Jr.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Pallitto, George1 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Rusling, Sergeant Francis V.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Pierson, Lieutenant Walter E.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Rosko, Bruce1 views

Prouty, Sergeant Williston A.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Sabia, Angelo1 views

Stecker, John A.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Schumacher, Sergeant Harold F.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Spano, Mike1 views

Wondhead, B.1 viewsMarch 23, 1919 Newark Sunday Call

Yunker, Fred H.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Weber, Arthur W.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"

Wolf, Walter F.1 views

Wirth, Martin R.1 viewsFrom "World War Veterans of the Phi Epsilon Club"


Essex Troop Armory to be Completed September 1, 19081 views

Gettysburg Monument1 views


Page 11 views

Page 51 views

Page 61 views

Postcard1 views

1 viewsFrom Col. Leonard Luzky

Back1 viewsPhoto from Old Newark Archives

19051 viewsPhoto from Cathy Knapp

1 viewsLibrary Of Congress Photo


Marine guard parading on quarter deck1 views"Only one commissioned ship of the United States Navy has borne the name Newark, after the town of Newark, New Jersey; the protected cruiser Newark (Cruiser No. 1).
Photo from Rich Olohan"

Page 131 viewsPublished by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.
Submitted by Nat Bodian

Page 81 viewsPublished by the Newark Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. for Men and Women
in the Armed Forces from Essex County.
Submitted by Nat Bodian



Tablet in Branch Brook Park1 views"Erected in Branch Brook Park, May 29, 1912 by the pupils of Barringer High School
Photo from; A History of the City of Newark
Lewis Historical Publishing Company"

Postcard1 views

Postcard1 views

Postcard1 views

Postcard1 views

Page 51 views


1908 Map1 views

1911 Map1 views

Afro-American Troops About to Leave for War 19171 viewsLibrary of Congress

Draftees1 views"3/16/1968 Draftees jam the Federal Building in Newark waiting to be tested and processed -- the last step in the separation from civilian life.
Photo from Bettmann"

Passaic River 2nd Division, 1st Batillion Naval Reserve, NJ Boat House1 views

1 viewsImage from the National Archives

1 viewsImage from the National Archives

1 viewsImage from the National Archives

1 viewsImage from the National Archives

1 viewsImage from the National Archives

1 viewsImage from the National Archives

1 viewsImage from the National Archives