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Army - Baron, Fred - Newark Military

Newark Military

Old Newark

Baron, Fred 
Melbourne, Australia. United States Army hospital. Left to right - Sargeant Alfred Baron, Newark, New Jersey; Staff Sargeant J. N. Sproule, Troy, New York; Staff Sargeant James R. Barbee, Springhope, North Carolina; Private Paul Greene, New York City, in medical store room
1943 - Library of Congress

Baron, Fred

Melbourne, Australia. United States Army hospital. Left to right - Sargeant Alfred Baron, Newark, New Jersey; Staff Sargeant J. N. Sproule, Troy, New York; Staff Sargeant James R. Barbee, Springhope, North Carolina; Private Paul Greene, New York City, in medical store room
1943 - Library of Congress

bansemerlouis.gif baronalfredarmy1943.jpg bechtrobertc.gif bellharryc.gif benjaminfrederickh.gif