Newark Waterways, Wharfs & Bridges

Old Newark

Oxford Street Area
This is a photo (year unknown) of the Morris Canal and the Passaic River.  Most likely taken at the end of Oxford Street.  The Jackson Street Bridge is in the background.  The pedestrian walkway on the left side over the canal was slightly west of Mott Street.  The building in the center was Christman & Koops - Flagpoles, Spars & Derricks.  Note the two mules that are pulling a barge (out of sight).

Oxford Street Area

This is a photo (year unknown) of the Morris Canal and the Passaic River. Most likely taken at the end of Oxford Street. The Jackson Street Bridge is in the background. The pedestrian walkway on the left side over the canal was slightly west of Mott Street. The building in the center was Christman & Koops - Flagpoles, Spars & Derricks. Note the two mules that are pulling a barge (out of sight).

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